After School Clubs
We are pleased to be offering the following after school clubs for Spring term 1 to begin w/c 13th January and run for 5 weeks.
KS2 Football Club (Primary Sports Stars) 3.15- 4.15pm, Years 3, 4 ,5 and 6, we are awaiting confirmation regarding this club and will update as soon as we have more information.
KS1 Football Club (Mr Clemmence) 3.15-4.15pm, Years 1 and 2 (£1.00 per week please book and pay, via Arbor).
Dance Club (HSSP) 3.15-4.15pm, Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bookable via
Choir Club (Mr Greenwood) 3.15–4.00pm, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (£1.00 per week please book via Arbor) Yoga Club (Mrs Wootton) 3.15-4.00pm, Years R, 1 and 2 (£1.00 per week please book via Arbor).
Reading Club (Mrs Blyth) 3.15-4.00pm, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (£1.00 per week please book via Arbor).
Walking Home Alone – Year 5 and 6 only – Parents/Carers please advise the school office if you give permission for your child to walk home alone after the club.
If your child is registered for pupil premium they are entitled to one free school club a half term. Please contact the school office to register your child
Clubs are based on a first come first served basis, if the club disappears from Arbor this means the club is now full. All Arbor club bookings will close at 10.30am on the date of the first session.
Kind regards
Cromwell Academy