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ACES Academies Trust


A big welcome to Cromwell Governors Website page. 

We are a keen and enthusiastic Governing Body, a mix of governors co-opted from the whole community, joined by the Headteacher and a staff governor. We have a wide range of backgrounds, giving us a good mix of skills and experience. Please read our profiles below to learn more. We are all volunteers, serving a 3-year term, all wanting to ensure that every Cromwell pupil has the best possible education and school experience. 

We do not manage the school, that is the role of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team, instead we have an overseeing role. Developing the vision and strategic priorities for the school and working closely with the leadership team to confirm these areas are appropriate for all members of the school community. Our role is to support and challenge the Headteacher and her team to ensure Cromwell pupils get the best educational journey that they possibly can.

We do this by getting involved in school life in many ways. We attend our Full Governing Body meetings. Each governor has a link area that they oversee, and they arrange visits to understand how things are going, liaising with the Head teacher and teachers, and reporting back to the Governing Body. 

We also like to get to go to the more fun events, like celebration assemblies, coffee and chat and the school pantomime, when we have the chance to meet and interact with the children and parents. 

The members of our Governing Body feel honoured and fortunate to be able to contribute to the leadership of Cromwell School and we invite you to take the time to get to know us and please feel free to get in touch.

Rebecca Bierton

Chair of Governors

The Cromwell Academy Governing Body is structured as follows:




Term of office

Rebecca Bierton


Chair of Governors

September 2022- September 2025

Hannah Connor-James

Headteacher ex officio

Director and Headteacher


David Sykes

Staff elected

Teacher Governor

February 2022 – February 2025



Parent Governor




Mrs Jacqui Harris Co-Opted Governor   May 2023 -May2026
Vicky Rix Co-Opted Governor   December 2023- December 2026