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ACES Academies Trust

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Mr Sykes teaches Year 5 with Mr Clemmence assisting throughout.

It is our privilege to help all of the children to progress through the next stage of their learning. The opportunity to support in the development of each and every child is truly our privilege. The children will have an opportunity to experience a broad and balanced curriculum in which every child will be able to flourish.

Our exciting curriculum allows us to travel back in time to the Victorian Period and learn about important figures as well as what life was like; investigate how natural disasters occur and look at some of the most impactful have impacted the world we live in; the Great War and how this impacted life in Europe and the spectacular and diverse cultures throughout Asia.

We will have lots of opportunity to develop our knowledge both inside and outside the classroom. We enjoy discussing our learning and sharing it with the other members of our class. This will allow us all to maximise every learning opportunity and to truly become a “Cromwell Learner”.

We look forward to a wonderful year ahead.